Aircraft Accidents & Crash Injuries
Ferrall & Co.
Aircraft Injuries

Aircraft Injury Claims.
Frequently Asked Questions
What costs can be claimed from an aircraft accident?
The injuries sustained and their severity will determine what damages are claimable. You may be able to claim such things as immediate and future pain and suffering, lost income, other financial losses (including superannuation), medical expenses and impairment benefits.
You may be able to claim dependency damages if someone in your family has died in an aircraft accident. This will usually depend on whether you were financially reliant on them.
Who pays the aircraft accident and crash claims?
The circumstances of your particular matter will determine which organisation is liable to you for the damages claimable. Some of the organisations could be the aircraft operator, manufacturer or maintenance engineer; the airport corporation or other airport site operator; or another agency, such as the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
What is classified as an ‘aircraft’ for claims purposes?
Aircraft, for claims purposes, includes commercial airliners, light aircraft, hot air balloons, seaplanes, helicopters and drones.
When should I make a claim following an aircraft accident?
Australia has a two-year time limit to make a claim for commercial flight accidents. We recommend filing your claim as soon as you’re able, preferably within a year of the accident. If the incident was on an international flight, we can work with you to determine and stick to the relevant time frames of the particular country or international convention.
How can I make a claim for personal injury or death as a result of an aircraft accident?
Ferrall & Co. can guide you through the complexities of aviation law and airline accident compensation, regardless of whether domestic or international laws apply. With our no-win, no-fee payment arrangements for most personal injury cases, you can rest assured that we will work hard to see you compensated for your loss. We also offer at-home consultations, understanding that coming to our office may be difficult with an injury or dealing with a personal loss. To get started, contact our office and we can make suitable arrangements for your obligation free initial consultation.
Personal Injury.
How Can We Help You?
Personal Injury
Ferrall & Co. are experts at personal injury claims with more than 15 years’ experience in the field and a passion for supporting people through tough situations.
Car and Motor
If you have been injured in car or motor vehicle accident you may be entitled to make a claim for the losses caused by your injuries.
Workplace Accidents
If you sustain an injury, illness or disease while at or relating to your work, you have the right to claim workers’ compensation.
Medical Negligence
If you suffer an injury due to your medical provider’s malpractice, you may be entitled to make a medical negligence claim against them.
Super Claims
If you’re unable to work due to an illness, injury or disability, you may be able to claim a lump sum insurance payout from your superannuation fund.

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