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How to Deal with False Accusations in 2024? (Updated Guide)

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In family law proceedings, false accusations are a critical issue. Depending on the circumstances, they can have profound implications on everyone involved. These claims are often made during disputes over child custody, property settlements, divorce, or domestic violence.

If they aren’t dealt with properly, they can sway case outcomes. Understanding why they occur and the potential consequences is essential.

Key takeaways

  • False accusations are untrue claims made against a party to a legal dispute.

  • False accusations can take many forms.

  • People make false accusations for many different reasons.

  • False accusations during custody cases may involve falsified evidence and emotional manipulation and coaching of the child.

  • False accusations of domestic violence can include faked injuries and may have legal implications.

  • If you’re facing false allegations, stay calm and gather evidence with your lawyer so you can file a response.

  • A false accusation can lead to potential criminal penalties and family law consequences like failed custody bids.

What are false accusations?

A false accusation is an untrue claim made by one party against another during legal disputes related to family matters. They are particularly prevalent in cases involving child custody, divorce, and domestic violence. The nature of these false claims can vary, but they typically involve:

  • Child Abuse or Neglect
    A false statement that one parent has abused or neglected the children. This can significantly impact custody and visitation rights.

  • Domestic Violence
    Claims of physical, emotional, or sexual assault allegations that may not have occurred. These allegations can lead to restraining orders and affect custody decisions.

  • Financial Deception
    Allegations about hiding assets, misrepresenting financial status, or other forms of financial dishonesty aimed at influencing property settlements or spousal support.

  • Parental Alienation
    Claims that one parent deliberately damages the children’s relationship with the other parent. These claims can affect custody arrangements.

  • Substance Abuse
    False allegations of drug or alcohol addiction. These accusations question a parent’s ability to provide children with a safe and stable environment.

  • Mental Health
    Some people make false claims about a party’s mental health to challenge their parenting or decision-making.

False allegations are a serious offence. They can impact the Court’s decisions on child custody, property division, and other aspects of family law.

FC- false accusations

Why make a false statement?

People make false statements in family law disputes for various reasons. To understand why people make false accusations, consider the psychological, strategic, and contextual factors. These factors are involved in family law disputes. Here are some common reasons.

  • Gain Legal Advantage
    In custody battles or divorce proceedings, one party may make an accusation intending to get an upper hand. They may seek to gain custody of children, secure a more significant portion of the property, or obtain favourable financial support arrangements.

  • Emotional Conflict
    Family law disputes can be emotionally charged. Feelings of anger, resentment, or a desire for revenge can lead individuals to make false accusations against their former partner.

  • Misunderstandings or Misinterpretations
    Sometimes, a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of a situation can escalate into a false accusation. This can occur especially in high-stress situations.

  • Influence from Others
    Friends, family members, or legal advisors may, intentionally or unintentionally, influence an individual to make false accusations. They may do this thinking it will help their case.

  • Lack of Legal Knowledge
    Some individuals might not fully understand the legal implications of making false accusations. They may do so without realising the seriousness or potential consequences.

False accusations during child custody cases

Child custody matters should centre around the best interests of the child. However, during emotional cases, parents can begin to act out of spite for their ex-spouse. Here’s what it can look like.

Falsifying evidence

A party may plant false evidence, such as manufacturing fake medical records or doctored photographs depicting abuse. This evidence may then be used to make a complaint to the child protective services authority.

This could then be used as the basis for a protective order restricting the targeted parent from accessing their child.

Coaching and alienation

A common tactic is for one parent to try and turn the child against their spouse. The object of this behaviour is to alienate the parent. The offending parent can try many methods.


A parent may criticise their former partner in front of their child. This can involve alleging misconduct, blaming them for various issues and questioning their character.

Limiting contact

Parents often try to interfere with their spouse’s ability to spend time with their child. Sometimes they will make excuses as to why a child can’t visit their spouse’s home. They can also interfere with visits by creating scheduling conflicts or cancelling at the last minute. In more extreme cases, a parent may relocate with the child to make visitation more difficult or impossible.

Emotional manipulation

A particularly harmful behaviour is manipulating a child’s emotions to undermine their respect and trust for the other parent. Children can be guilt-tripped for wanting to spend time with the other parent, creating an emotional dependency on one parent.

A party could also allege the other parent engages in harmful behaviour to cause the child to distrust them.


Coaching can have serious psychological and legal consequences. One parent may coach the child to make allegations against the other parent involving abuse or other misconduct.

children suffering from abuse by parent

False accusations of domestic violence

Allegations of domestic and family violence often come into play during family law proceedings. Here’s what can be involved.

Fabricated evidence

In some cases, a party will create self-inflicted injuries to blame on their spouse. They may also enlist friends or family to provide a false testimony to back up your accusation of domestic violence.

Impact on Family Court proceedings

Making a false claim of domestic violence can have major implications on Family Court cases. If you’re in a custody battle, a false accusation can significantly influence the Court’s perception of your case. This can result in loss of parental access and even legal repercussions.

How to deal with your ex-partner making a false accusation

Being falsely accused in family court proceedings can be a hurtful and confusing experience. Here are some vital steps to deal with the situation.

Stay calm

It’s natural to feel anger and frustration at the injustice of a false accusation. However, remaining calm and dealing with the issue logically is crucial. If you respond rashly, you may end up harming your case further. Any communication you have with your ex-spouse should be conducted with legal assistance.

Get legal representation

Handling a false accusation case is a delicate matter. You must let your legal representation handle the situation and follow their guidance. This is especially critical if there’s a police investigation into the matter.

Respond to the accusation

If your former partner has made an allegation against you in court, you should respond as quickly as possible. Gather evidence for your case. This may include texts, emails, photographs or anything else that clarifies the situation. Also, get testimony from witnesses who can corroborate your side of the story.

With the help of your lawyer, you can submit an affidavit to the local court along with your supporting evidence.

professional lawyer and young female client shaking hands in office

Consequences of false accusations

False accusations are taken very seriously by the Court. Family law and the Crimes Act both have provisions for false allegations. The Family Court can punish the false accuser differently depending on the issues in family law cases.

In child custody cases, the Court may find these actions evidence that the accuser isn’t acting in their child’s best interests. This might also suggest they’re unable to co-parent effectively. This could affect custody arrangements. The Court may adjust the settlement terms in property settlements to impact the accuser’s entitlement.

The Crimes Act covers false accusations intended to cause a police investigation against an ex-spouse. Such actions could attract a maximum penalty of seven years’ imprisonment.


False accusations in family law proceedings, ranging from child abuse to financial deception, carry serious repercussions. Motivated by emotional conflict or strategic advantage, these claims can impact custody and property settlements.

Dealing with them requires calm, legal counsel, and evidence. The consequences may include adverse legal outcomes or potential criminal charges. 

If you think you have been the victim of a false accusation, contact us today for a free consultation.

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Rowena Ferrall


Rowena Ferrall is the principal lawyer of Ferrall & Co. Lawyers, which was established in 2017. The firm specialises in family law, domestic violence and criminal defence.

Rowena is licensed to practice in Queensland and the High Court of Australia. Her approach combines legal expertise with compassion, ensuring clients receive the right advice and emotional support. She’s an active member of several law associations and supports various charities. Contact Rowena for more information.

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